CervicalCheck Tribunal must be fast-tracked to end ‘cruel’ public court battles
The 221+ CervicalCheck Patient Support Group notes the outcome today (Friday, 3 May, 2019) of the High Court case of Ruth Morrissey, one of the 221 women directly impacted by the CervialCheck debacle first uncovered just over a year ago.
For many affected by CervicalCheck, irrespective of their current or expected health standing, healing and closure will only begin with knowing fully what happened and why.
While the Support Group has no part in the legal process for any member or their family, it strongly supports the principle that every individual has the right to pursue whatever channels they believe are required to resolve the needs of their own circumstances.
Cases like this are a no-win situation for all involved. Many of the women involved are now extremely ill. It is already accepted they have been wronged by the State. How is it right that they are forced into a very public and adversarial legal process that makes them feel like they are ‘on trial’ just to establish the profile or the extent of that wrong and how it happened. This is simply unacceptable.
A better and more compassionate mechanism is required as a priority to enable those involved establish the basis of the wrong done to them in private without being put through that adversity.
Government has promised the establishment of a Tribunal to do so. Tragically many of the women impacted here do not have time on their side. We need our legislators to give the legislation for the Tribunal, and its enactment, a priority that we have not seen in recent months to eliminate the needless added stress and pain being heaped on women who have suffered enough through no act of their own.
For reference:
Padraig McKeon – padraig@mckeonireland.com / 087 2312632