November 14th is a day we can’t forget, the day Ireland lost Vicky Phelan – the woman who began this journey for other people like her, 221+ members and their families, who had been failed by a system there to help.
Vicky was an extraordinary woman. We honour her legacy today by asking you all, particularly women, to be your own best advocate and take a stand for your health.
Attend your screening appointments, go to the GP if you have any concerns about your health and don’t be afraid to ask questions.
Spread the word to friends and family about how important cervical screening and HPV vaccination is and raise awareness of gynaecological cancer symptoms to look out for (we include a graphic on this from the Irish Network of Gynaecological Oncology and ThisisGO below).
Be prepared, ask questions and check your understanding – 3 tips from NALA that can be useful for you in your health appointments.
Vicky passed the baton on to us all – take up the challenge.