The 221+ CervicalCheck Patient Support Group welcomes the Supreme Court judgement issued today (Thursday, 19 March, 2020) which upholds the findings of the High Court in the case of Ruth Morrissey, one of the original 221 women directly impacted by the CervicalCheck debacle first uncovered almost two years ago.
We are relieved and pleased for Ruth who has had to bear the worry of the appeal on top of the burden of serious illness. Her courage and fortitude have been validated. We send her our continued good wishes and hope that today brings some closure for her and her family.
For other women who have not yet had the opportunity to address the legal implications of their experience of CervicalCheck, the judgement brings a clarity that we hope will assist in expediting a just conclusion for all concerned, whether through the CervicalCheck Tribunal or through the courts.
These are difficult and worrying days for many in 221+ who find themselves all the more vulnerable and again at risk in the context of the pandemic. We are mindful that many others with unrelated conditions, and indeed no prior conditions, are also now worried and afraid for their health. We are conscious too of the enormous pressure and responsibility current circumstances place on the health service from the front line all the way back. Now therefore is not the time to analyse or reflect on the depths of this judgement. Instead we send our thoughts and wishes to all those affected by the pandemic and offer grateful thanks to those working so hard in response.
We would urge any 221+ member who has any concerns at this time to check in with us for advice and direction on how to respond to any suspected symptoms of COVID-19. We would appeal also that people don’t speculate in respect of the pandemic and its effects and rely on trusted sources for information and advice such as the NCCP guidelines for cancer patients.
For reference:
Padraig McKeon – / 087 2312632